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Library Green Conservancy

The Library Green Conservancy is a dedicated group of Ann Arborites who believe that a 21st century Ann Arbor needs to have a central town square, something that the city had until the 1950-era demolition of the Washtenaw County Courthouse. 


Once the voters of Ann Arbor passed Proposal A to create the "Center of the City" Central Park In 2018, many of LGC's founders knew that the vision of these voters would only be realized through a mix of public and private support, and thus today's Conservancy was born.


Since LGC's inception, board members and supporters have helped lead city-commissioned efforts to understand public vision and drive design of the space, including the Center of the City Task Force and Council of the Commons. Our members have also commissioned several independent visioning exercises, all of which are located here.

Our Goals

Facilitate the activation of all of the spaces designated as the "Center of the City" park for enjoyment and use by the public

Support public and private fundraising efforts to transform the Center of the City into a sustainable central park for the Ann Arbor community

Ensure an interconnected

park is designed and built across the parcels designated as the "Center of the City" park 


Library Green Conservancy

200 East Liberty Street, #7848

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107


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